Monday, April 26, 2010

What products can i use to remove very old scars?

i have scars caused by itching, scrapes, and mild cuts and i can%26#039;t find a product to remove them....|||Very old scars that are still hanging out are there to stay--you can slime yourself with every product in the land and they will still be there. I have scars on my legs and arms since I was a puppy and it has not bothered anyone yet--not husbands, kids, relatives or friends or total strangers. Scars are a part of life. Don%26#039;t let them bother you it is ok to have signs of life. Sorry I couldn%26#039;t offer a solution.|||vitamin E works really well. if you can get it in liquid form, or gelcaps that you can break up.|||cocoa butter|||coconut cream or lotion

pregnant woman use this as there belly stretches to stop stretch marks forming and it will lighten scars.

there is a new type of scar healing bandaid out i think that can be put on cuts to heal them better so there is less scaring

but i havent seen them yet only heard about them.

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