Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I have a deep scars on my face?

i have some deep scars wee bit on my cheeks and i have a little deep chicken pox scar on my forehead since i was a child. I have Sensitive skin. now i am 21 and i need them to get away, better and heal please help me!|||my sister used %26quot;mederma%26quot; *spellcheck* . she had a 4 wheeler accident like an idiot and ended up cutting her leg real bad,which in turn left a HORRIBLE scar. she%26#039;s all prissy and like%26quot; omg i can not have this%26quot; so she tried it and its doing a damn good job too!|||Please visit a skin specialist for help. There are excellent products for the skin now and they don%26#039;t have to be expensive. Learn about your skin type and how to take care of your it. I have learned that I must keep my face clean, but can%26#039;t wash it all the time either. I have a very sensitive %26amp; dry skin. I have learned what products to use, what to avoid. In the morning I wash my face very well, the same at night, those two moments are very important. In the morning to remove all the dead cells, they are invisible to the eye, but they are there. At night to remove all the dirt, so my pores can breath well during the night. I also use a couple of products to protect and moisteriser my skin. It is important that you learn all that. Very important and good for you.|||Hi, bio oil is fantastic for scars!!!! You can get it from loads of places and its great! Other than that im not sure what you could do...im sure there%26#039;s an expensive treatment out there like laser to help with the scarring but you%26#039;ll have to do intensive research for that!|||could get some help here

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