Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have 2 pimple scars in the middle of my eybrows!!?

How can i get rid of this one of them I had before like weeks ago and it turned black because I popped it the other one did the same also now it looks like a a huge black spot between my eyebrows. I just feel so depressed about it. Any home remedies that can make it fade away or is it going to be there forever. I really need some help bad!|||The mederma will probably help, but it%26#039;s expensive. Vitamin E oil or cream could also do the trick and it%26#039;s very $1 at your local dollar store. Also, you could try aloe vera.|||You cant really get rid of those scars by anything...instead, you have to wait. They will go away by time, gradually revealing less and less. Putting on some Aveeno cream or Nivea my reduce any irritations you have and soothen your skin. One thing to remember though, don%26#039;t try to pop your pimples. If you do, your skin will give rise to more pimples, its like a side-effect and happens quite often.|||Yup try all of those.. plus eat more fruits.. the vit C really helps plus zinc too|||rub Mederma on them

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