Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is Neosporin good to cure acne and acne scars?

Does Neosporin cure acne ???

Does Neosporin cure acne scars

If so how long does it take plase hlp|||I think it depends on what exactly you are talking about. If it is regular acne, then no I don%26#039;t think it will. But my daughter has some type of infection that she gets from time to time around her nose and upperlip that looks very much like acne. We tried all the acne treatments out there and it didn%26#039;t help, so we took her to a dermatologist. He said it was the infection (can%26#039;t remember the name, it was one of those long ones) and that it probably would come back from time to time until her body builds up a resistence. He gave us a cream to use (again, don%26#039;t remember the name), but we used it up and moved between outbreaks. She just started getting one and I thought I would try Neosporin on it and it seems to be helping, but it has only been two days, so I couldn%26#039;t tell you that it is going to clear it up the whole way, but it is helping it. So it depends on whether you have a type of infection like this or if it is plain old acne. I would say to try it for a couple of days and see if there is a difference. It isn%26#039;t like you are going to be hurt by a little Neosporin for a few days.|||No No NO! Its way too oily. Stick to approved over the counter remedies\ or see a dermatologist.|||ummm not that i noe of... you could try a scar medician gooo to ur nearest drug store and ask somebody ... that might workk betteR!! ohh and to cure the acne.. try SOAP...

best of luck. my wishes toyou.|||No. In fact, it could make it worse, since it%26#039;s petroleum (grease) based. Putting grease on your face will just make your pores more likely to clog up and cause more acne.

Use a real acne medicine to cure the acne. As for the scars, I don%26#039;t know if anything works really well. Maybe some of those acid-based scar-reducing peels.|||Neosporin is an antibiotic ointment. It is good to heal anything that is infected. I don%26#039;t think a scar would classify as an infection.I don%26#039;t think it would help acne either. I have never had acne but I think I would check out products for skin care.|||No, you need something more aggressive. Acne is a skin infection. Oral antibiotics can help (you need a prescription). A home remedy is to wash your face 5 times a day with a really strong disinfectant soap (you could even add a little bleach to the water). This is very drying, but you can%26#039;t have everything. If you are young, your skin will recover pretty well from acne on its own (in terms of scarring). Don%26#039;t squeeze pimples - let them burst on their own (squeezing them drives pus into below the surface skin channels).|||There are actually some cosmetic procedures that will help with acne scarring such as photofacials. The first thing that you should do is get the acne under control. I suggest using Proactiv. When a lot of products failed for me this one greatly helped. It reduced the amount of breakouts to almost nothing.

Hope this helps.|||If you pop the pimples -- use the cream not the ointment and it will heal the broken skin much quicker|||No.|||I found this to be really reliable to getting rid of acne: http://www.theknowguide.com/acnefree.htm鈥?/a>|||neosporin doesn%26#039;t help, but if you can afford it go to your doctor %26amp; ask about Cleocin-T. Its a gel that you put on twice a day sarts to work immediately and can clear your face completely in 2-3 weeks. The Rx doesn%26#039;t cost much either.|||No, in fact, it can make them worse because of the grease. An alcohol product or the like are best.

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