Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I have dark skin Oily skin.How do I get rid of the spots&its scars forever?

Bio oil works a treat to get reed of scars.

Try boots.

x|||Try the site below. It discusses oily skin care.

www.healthy-skincare .com/oily-skin-care.html|||An oily skin , as the name implies, is one in which the sebaceous or oil-producing glands are over active. As surface grease tends to attract dirt, an oily skin acquires a dirty surface film , that needs to be removed daily. For more details log to http://useinfo-oilyskin.blogspot.com/|||Clinque has a spot scar remover,you can try that.|||I have been fighting acne all my life, Although I have light skin, it is super oily. No matter what I put on it to dry it out at night I wake up with super greasy oily skin. I highly recommend Proactive. I don%26#039;t know what it has in it but I have been on it for 2 months and there has been a really big change. My skin is smoother, doesn%26#039;t break out hardly at all, and I almost feel comfortable going without makeup. It%26#039;s more expensive than OTC acne meds but it%26#039;s worth it. In the meantime, stridex pads and clearasil help. A combination of Salicyclic acid and Benzoyl peroxide 10% works best.

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