Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to remove acne scars?

i popped a couple of zits months ago but i think i left scars, my skin look reddish and a little indented. what can i do for them to go away?? I hate to look at them!!|||This is why they say not to pick at your face because it can cause scaring.

Neutogena has a product called Advance Solutions Acne Mark Fading peel.This product has Salicylic Acid. They also have a product to wash your face with Salicylic Acid called Oil-free Acne Wash.

These may help but in time most of the scars will probably fade. These products may help prevent zits so you may prevent scaring in the future.|||There are several treatments available for removal of acne scars and the type of treatment depends on the type of scarring. Again, ask your doctor on which treatment or combination of treatments is right for you.

. Dermabrasion. The skin is either frozen or numbed and a machine is used to remove damaged skin, allowing new skin to grow. This is not to be confused with microdermabrasion, which will not help remove acne scarring.

. Laser Resurfacing. As the name implies, this involves the use of laser to remove the old damaged skin so a new skin can grow in its place. Laser Resurfacing is challenging the dominance of dermabrasion in the field of skin resurfacing.

. Chemical Peels. This procedure uses acid which is applied to the skin to remove the top layer in order for a new smoother layer to grow.

. Punch Technique. This procedure removes the pitted scar and the wound is closed and allowed to heal. Three techniques are available: Punch replacement, Punch excision and Punch elevation.

. Subcision. This procedure detaches the scar from deeper tissues, which allows a pool of blood to form under the scar. This pool of blood then clots and helps form connective tissues under the scar, helping it level off with the surface.

. Augmentation. A material is injected under the scar to bring it level to the surface. Collagen or one%26#039;s own fat is most often used in this procedure.|||Some times acne scars never go away, and sometimes they disappear over the next few years as your skin repairs itself. If in the next few years you do not see an improvement you can try laser surgery which can heal them. I have a few chicken pox scars on my face from when I was a child and they have never gone away! Good Luck!|||Well there are some creams to hide the scars. You can also wait it out the scars go away quicker than regular scars. If you do not want the scars in the future do not pop your pimples just put cream on them.|||Trust me...

You should use herbal cream like Zenmed Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment:


You can expect great results quickly and easily :-)|||Vitamin E prevents acne or pimple scarring and can also be used to fade old scars. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

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