Friday, January 8, 2010

What do I use to get rid of scars?

I scar and bruise easily...and I want to wear my bikini but I have a scar on my belly...what can I use to get rid of it?|||To make the scars less visible, lighten them up to match your skin tone using papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are available online. These work wonders. Maybe it will work on you too.

Try searching it through Google %26#039;shopaholic%26#039;s bargains%26#039;|||Use natutal products鈥?/a>鈥?/a>||| really does work, i%26#039;%26#039;ve used it|||There is a cream called Prefer on,

(from the makers of Head on)

might try it.|||Use Hydrogen Peroxide topical solution lol i no it sounds wierd buts its safe trust me|||try some scar cream from walgreens i think that is called medrema it works pretty good|||Use coco butter at night and morning. It will go away in no time.|||Scar cream or gel.|||They have creams at drugstores for that. just go there and look around and find which one looks best. : ) good luck|||only surgery sadly...maybe your doc can give you a cream or somthing

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