Friday, January 8, 2010

How do you get rid of acne scars?

acne finally gone! all thats left is scars how can i get rid of them without surgery or medication??|||Plastic surgery is the only way I know of. Sorry.|||You can use a cream called %26quot;Ambi%26quot; or use coco butter, the cream not the lotion. Personally, I use %26quot;Ambi%26quot;. Also, you can try %26quot;Pro Active%26quot;.|||theres a product called bio oil i havent used it personally yet but its had excellent recomendations try it if u can|||You can get products from a mary kaye repesentive to help with this. Day and night solution, Time Wise 3-in-1 cleansing gel or bar, and a few others that I can%26#039;t remember the name of. You can go to the web site:|||vitamin e oil capsals pierce 1 capsual and apply to affected area|||there%26#039;s a cream u could use my sister has it..unless dats medication yo u..go to ur doctor he should no....|||2 products that work for me are Aveeno calming facial moisture. It says to use it at night- which is probably good, but I use it during the day. Also, Palmers makes a scar syrum. It%26#039;s mostly vitamin E based, so it gets rid of scars quickly. It%26#039;s kind of expensive, but you only dab it on at night cuz it%26#039;s real heavy, and unless your scars are huge, I%26#039;m sure you won%26#039;t use it quickly. Check it out. Vitamin E is always the key. ALSO- something that improved my overall hair skin and nails- a vitamin called %26quot;hair skin and nails%26quot; by GNC. I used it and my hair grew like crazy (which I was aiming for), and my overall complexion was wonderful.|||try using olive oil or calamine lotion.

They r supposed 2 help %26amp; work well with new scars but old ones take longer 2 dissapear. Also try Garnier%26#039;s Dark Spot Remover or it has got a name like that :)|||helo joesib,

u have not given full deatils properly

how old are these scales been?

what type of medication u applied for to get rid of them

since acne problem is very offen with young girls %26amp; boys even elderly one

u should try some homoeopathic medicines if u give me the detailed summary of your past treatment then i will help u getting out of this problem

is your skin oily or dry?

had u scraped them our purpously of they are let off with themselfs.

this should be rembered that NEVER pealoff the acne pimples.

if possible pls reply for further clerification.


vu3rdz|||Neutrogena has an over the counter remedy that has mushroom extracts, and it claims to lessen the appearance of acne scars over time.

Also, you could probably use the new Olay Definity cream. It would be more expensive, but it also lessens the appearance of lines, wrinkles, freckles, and sunspots.

Good luck, and congratulations on getting rid of your acne! I wish I were as lucky.|||ask p diddy or jessica simpson|||Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to acne scars/Acne cure/Blemishes

Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/


Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

Henna on hair/Splitends/


Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness

Makeup/Hair styles|||no medication, srry dont know but practive will work|||nope|||Shea works wonders....also works for other blemishes and stretch marks|||Faithfully use a %26quot;higher end%26quot; microdermabrasion kit at home.

(hint) I promise if you use the Proactive solution products at home not only will your face clear up but, your scars will noticeably lighten in addition to putting a atop to future breakouts.

But, as someone who has experianced this horrid problem, I can tell you in only works in unison withthe microdermabraion. I personally gave this sytem a week to work and then began tanning (FAITHFULLY) Today I have beautiful skin and you can hardly notice a scar on my face.|||What we are using in our family to get rid of the scars is a product from Arbonne. It%26#039;s called Thermal Fusion. After applying it, it feels as if your face is a little sunburned. That seems to be the only draw back that we%26#039;re having. But it seems to be working and it%26#039;s a cheaper alternative to surgery. You can go to to find a consultant and ask your question.|||I don%26#039;t think there is any possible way. There might be ointment to put on it to clear them but that%26#039;s about it. Surgery is too painful, I don%26#039;t blame you. But medication is okay and it%26#039;s not like this is medication you take every day of your life. So medication is your best guess. Just for a week or so. It won%26#039;t be that bad. Just give it a try. By the way, how bad are the scars?

Are they like this:鈥?/a>

Or like this:鈥?/a>

Or like this:鈥?/a>|||neutrogena has some stuff that will help. otherwise, just cover it up with makeup...|||the sun helps alot!!!|||I had the same problem and I finally found something that really worked! I use TimeWise庐 Microdermabrasion Set twice a week after I wash my face, but before I moisturize. This 2-step set exfoliates deep down to reveal my smooth skin beneath my scars. It also refines my pores to make them look smaller. After I moisturize I use TimeWise庐 Even Complexion Essence every single day. It restores my skin%26#039;s natural even tone by reducing dark spots and reversing skin discoloration.

You can order the Microdermabrasion Set here:鈥?/a>

And the Even Complexion Essence here:鈥?/a>|||neurtrogena has a product that contains salicylic acid - you put on for about 10 min, 3x a week...should help, as far as over-the-counter products go... good luck!|||use NOXEMA..its the best ..i had bad acne and now my face is clear..not a scar!..u will look like a new person i promise u|||try

L%26#039;Oreal Dermo-Expertise ReFinish Micro-Dermabrasion Kit

it may work.|||My sister used a orbital sander to get rid of her acne scarring.

She had a rough head to start with so no one noticed the difference.|||use neutrogena products

and proactiv

as directed on the bottle|||Seasme seed oil is rich in antioxidants, thus it pulls toxins from your skin. It%26#039;s a great mosturizer, and evens out skin tone, can help with blackheads and acutally helps get rid of zits and helps reduce scars. You can either leave it on overnight or you can wash it off after 10 or 30 minutes or an hour whichever you perfer. But leaving it overnight is best if you have really dry skin. Seasme seed oil contains: vitamins esp. vit. E, minerals, proteins, lecithin, amino acids

And yeah rosehip oil is fine as well.|||susan%26#039;s product|||Ask a dermatologist or one of those plastic surgeons|||proactive trust me ive try it my self my cousin Harvey Rodriguez uses it and he has no scars me ether|||Try cocoa butter! I heard it works for stretch marks so i%26#039;m sure it will work for scars too.... i guess...

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