Friday, January 8, 2010

How to remove/ scars cause by burn?

my 2 year old son got burned on his right leg, %26amp; im worried about it. so pls! help me. your advice will greatelly contribute to my problem. thanks in advance.....|||The only product that has shown to be effective in reducing scars is called Cica Care made by Smith and Nephew.

Cica-Care is a self-adhesive gel sheet that helps improve the appearance of scars.

Cica-Care is durable, comfortable and re-usable, ideal for day and night use. Cica-Care has been shown to be successful in improving older scars, however results are expected to be most effective in more recent scars.

Within 2-4 months, scars you thought were permanent can be reduced and their appearance improved.

Cica-Care is an advanced form of silicone contained within a gel sheet that provides a comfortable, convenient treatment for red, dark or raised scars. It has been widely used in hospitals by dermatologists and surgeons. The majority of red, raised and dark scars improve when Cica-Care is used.

Research into how Cica-Care works suggests that it may occlude the skin to hydrate the scar area. This means moisture is locked into the skin around the scar.

The effect of this is to make the scar tissue paler in color, closer to the natural color of your skin.鈥?/a>

I have used this in my job (Wound Consultant RN) with good results. Rremember that children tend to heal very well over time so it may gradually fade.. If you son has a large area that is very %26#039;tight%26#039; or contracted it may require a plastic surgeon to evaluate.|||you sound like advertising eh? hehehe.

from my experience, theres no chance of replacing your burned skin, it does leave a mark. but these mark can still b improved through regular lotion, any kind.|||you know what sweetie,i have big scar in my legs and i had it for 20 years.i was just 4 when i have it.i used chemical helps to reduce the scar.|||Homeopathic Remedies for Burns :-

Head remedy - for burns of any kind Cantharis 30, 4 hourly

Sun burns; rush of blood towards head, flushed face Belladonna 30, 4 hourly

Radium, X-ray burns Phosphorus 200 or Cadmium Iodide 30, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

When there is fear of death and anxiety due to burns. Burnt area is hot and swollen with fever Aconite 30 or 200, 15 min (6 Doses)

If the part mortifies(leading towards gangrene) Silicea 30, or Sulphur 30, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

If pus forms; effected parts becomes very sensitive Hepar Sulph 200, 10 min (3 Doses)

Burns due to pouring of hot water or hot oil; when blisters has not formed Urtica Urens 30, 4 hourly

Old burn or injury marks; bleeds easily, Causticum 30 or 200, 6 hourly.

For External use:- Cantharis lotion. If wound forms then apply Calendula lotion.

No Side Effects or Complications 100% Relief. Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine.

Take Care and God Bless You !|||Some fade on their own, though this may take months to years, while others gradually change color and/or shape.

It%26#039;s not possible to completely remove a scar, but a few treatments might help make your scars less noticeable:

Onion Extract acts as an anti-inflammatory and seems to inhibit the over-production of collagen in a scar.

Silicone, available either as a gel or in rubber-like sheets, has been found to lighten and flatten scars. You apply the gel directly to the scar or use medical tape to cover the scar with the silicone sheet. It isn%26#039;t known exactly how silicone helps scars heal 鈥?some researchers think that static electricity from the silicone helps align collagen fibers in the scar, while others think it might help trap moisture, which can help make scars fade.|||For immediate burns: put under running cold water for few minutes. The pat dry and apply aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel takes the sting out of burns if applied early enough plus may prevent scarring but it has to be applied early on. If the burn is deep and/or extensive then go to A %26amp; E straight away. It would need to be seen by a doctor because there is a risk of infection plus a doctor needs to assess the extent of the damage and best course of action. Because your son is only 2 you really need to get the burn assessed by a doctor. Go asap.


If the burn has been long-standing, ie you are in the post-immediate treatment stage then you could apply vitamin e oil or bio oil. Both have been used for scar reduction. Another one worth trying is Rosehip oil ( Rosa mosqueta). Scientific studies have shown improvement, ie scar reduction.

Read these:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||I had a really bad car accident in 2003 resulting in a rather large scar on my forehead and numerous ones on my legs. I used Mederma and LOVED IT!!!! It worked great. The only way you can tell I have the scar on my forehead is if I scrunch up my face :)...or wear bad makeup lol. I figure if that stuff can reduce a scar that big ( I had 38 stitches, it went from eyelid to hair line) than it%26#039;s gotta be good.

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